Cool music from a local band named "Small Circle", hear them at or
enjoy! :)
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Kings of Convenience and Jens Lekman Concert in Jakarta - 28 March 2010
Aye to the Oye, Eirik and Jens Lekman!
This was the second concert of Kings of Convenience in Jakarta and the first time for Jens Lekman held at Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Ballroom. Kings of Convenience performed they second album 'Declaration of Dependence' that was released at October 20, 2009. For Jens, he played many songs from his 2 album 'When I Said I Wanted to Be Your Dog' (September 2004) and 'Night Falls Over Kortedala' (September 2007)
Song List KOC: 24-25, me in you, i don't know what i can save you from, singing softly to me, cayman island, second to numb, Mrs. cold, peacetime resistence, misread, boat behind, i'd rather dance with you, Bersandar (a song from indo indie band named White Shoes and The Couples Company), homesick.
Song List Jens Lekman: sipping on the sweet nectar, another sweet summers night on hammer hill, your arms around me, it was a strange time in my life, black cab, shirin, the end of the world is bigger than love, a postcard to nina, golden key, the opposite of hallelujah, into eternity.

Erlend Øye and Eirik Glambek Bøe

This was the second concert of Kings of Convenience in Jakarta and the first time for Jens Lekman held at Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Ballroom. Kings of Convenience performed they second album 'Declaration of Dependence' that was released at October 20, 2009. For Jens, he played many songs from his 2 album 'When I Said I Wanted to Be Your Dog' (September 2004) and 'Night Falls Over Kortedala' (September 2007)
Song List KOC: 24-25, me in you, i don't know what i can save you from, singing softly to me, cayman island, second to numb, Mrs. cold, peacetime resistence, misread, boat behind, i'd rather dance with you, Bersandar (a song from indo indie band named White Shoes and The Couples Company), homesick.
Song List Jens Lekman: sipping on the sweet nectar, another sweet summers night on hammer hill, your arms around me, it was a strange time in my life, black cab, shirin, the end of the world is bigger than love, a postcard to nina, golden key, the opposite of hallelujah, into eternity.

Erlend Øye and Eirik Glambek Bøe

Thursday, 18 March 2010
Go Zoom-Zoom with Greeny Sour Sally Yogurt
A cup of Sour Sally = Mazda 2 ??
Yeap! This fact is true.
Buat yang hobi foto dan di foto, jangan lupa mulai sekarang input 'a cup of Soul Sally yang bergambar mazda 2' sebagai props foto-foto lo...
Sambil ngerayain Birthday-nya si Sally yang ke-2 tahun, Sour Sally bersama Mazda 2 bekerja sama untuk mengadakan kompetisi foto via facebook.
Kalau diperhatiin, kedua produk itu punya persamaan dengan warna hijau spotlight. Warna hijau dari rasa 'stylish melon mint' sebagai varian terbarunya digabungin dengan warna hijau andalan mobil Mazda 2, bikin mata jadi seger bener deh...
Sebagai 'World Car of The Year', mazda 2 punya misi dan visi yang sama dengan sour sally. Diutarakan oleh Yoshiua Horigame, sebagai President Director PT. Mazda Motor Indonesia, bahwa kedua brand ini punya kesamaan dalam inovasi dan branding. Well, hampir bisa dibilang, demam Fro-Yo dimulai sejak kehadiran Sour Sally di Senayan City sejak tahun 2007 lalu.
Icon Sally yang imut-imut dan menggemaskan ini ternyata makin terkenal hingga ke berbagai belahan kota Jakarta. Belum genap 2 tahun berdiri, Sour Sally pun udah berekspansi sebanyak 24 Outlet di 4 kota besar di Indonesia, yakni Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung dan pulau dewata Bali. Bahkan brand yang merupakan brand asli Indonesia ini tak lama lagi akan melebarkan usahanya ke beberapa Negara tetangga seperti Singapura, Malaysia, dan Brunei Darussalam.
Cara ikutin kompetisi fotonya gampang aja kok. Tinggal login ke facebook and become a fan of Sour Sally dan Mazda 2. Ikutin aja petunjuknya, trus upload foto lo yang paling hip dan tinggal tunggu hasil keputusan para juri yang dibagi menjadi periode permingguan. Disetiap minggunya, akan ada 2 orang pemenang yang mendapat green card sebagai tanda lulus ke babak selanjutnya. Makanya buru-buru cari ide paling kreatif lo trus di upload ke facebook. Jangan lupa, fotonya harus bertemakan ‘Get Stylish With Sour Sally and Mazda’… Mau baju lo dimiripin ama kayak Sally kek, mau jungkir balik di atas mobil Mazda 2 kek, mau kayang salto di tengah-tengah outlet Sour Sally juga pasti di maklumin kok ama penjaga outletnya. Yah namanya juga usaha keras untuk dapetin mobil baru Mazda 2. Modal nekat dan malu lah bayarannya ;p
Jangan lupa event ini cuma berlaku dimulai dari 22 Maret sampai 15 Mei 2010.

Donny Pramono (director of sour sally) & Yoshiya Horigome (president director of mazda motor indonesia)
Yeap! This fact is true.
Buat yang hobi foto dan di foto, jangan lupa mulai sekarang input 'a cup of Soul Sally yang bergambar mazda 2' sebagai props foto-foto lo...
Sambil ngerayain Birthday-nya si Sally yang ke-2 tahun, Sour Sally bersama Mazda 2 bekerja sama untuk mengadakan kompetisi foto via facebook.
Kalau diperhatiin, kedua produk itu punya persamaan dengan warna hijau spotlight. Warna hijau dari rasa 'stylish melon mint' sebagai varian terbarunya digabungin dengan warna hijau andalan mobil Mazda 2, bikin mata jadi seger bener deh...
Sebagai 'World Car of The Year', mazda 2 punya misi dan visi yang sama dengan sour sally. Diutarakan oleh Yoshiua Horigame, sebagai President Director PT. Mazda Motor Indonesia, bahwa kedua brand ini punya kesamaan dalam inovasi dan branding. Well, hampir bisa dibilang, demam Fro-Yo dimulai sejak kehadiran Sour Sally di Senayan City sejak tahun 2007 lalu.
Icon Sally yang imut-imut dan menggemaskan ini ternyata makin terkenal hingga ke berbagai belahan kota Jakarta. Belum genap 2 tahun berdiri, Sour Sally pun udah berekspansi sebanyak 24 Outlet di 4 kota besar di Indonesia, yakni Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung dan pulau dewata Bali. Bahkan brand yang merupakan brand asli Indonesia ini tak lama lagi akan melebarkan usahanya ke beberapa Negara tetangga seperti Singapura, Malaysia, dan Brunei Darussalam.
Cara ikutin kompetisi fotonya gampang aja kok. Tinggal login ke facebook and become a fan of Sour Sally dan Mazda 2. Ikutin aja petunjuknya, trus upload foto lo yang paling hip dan tinggal tunggu hasil keputusan para juri yang dibagi menjadi periode permingguan. Disetiap minggunya, akan ada 2 orang pemenang yang mendapat green card sebagai tanda lulus ke babak selanjutnya. Makanya buru-buru cari ide paling kreatif lo trus di upload ke facebook. Jangan lupa, fotonya harus bertemakan ‘Get Stylish With Sour Sally and Mazda’… Mau baju lo dimiripin ama kayak Sally kek, mau jungkir balik di atas mobil Mazda 2 kek, mau kayang salto di tengah-tengah outlet Sour Sally juga pasti di maklumin kok ama penjaga outletnya. Yah namanya juga usaha keras untuk dapetin mobil baru Mazda 2. Modal nekat dan malu lah bayarannya ;p
Jangan lupa event ini cuma berlaku dimulai dari 22 Maret sampai 15 Mei 2010.

Donny Pramono (director of sour sally) & Yoshiya Horigome (president director of mazda motor indonesia)
Behind The "Jupiter Crash" Lyric
THE CURE - Jupiter Crash
She follows me down to the sound of the sea
Slips to the sand and stares up at me
"is this how it happens? is this how it feels?
Is this how a star falls?
Is this how a star falls?"
The night turns as I try to explain
Irresistable attraction and orbital plane
"or maybe it's more like a moth to a flame?"
She brushes my face with her smile
"forget about stars for a while... "
As she melts...
Meanwhile millions of miles away in space
The incoming comet brushes jupiter's face
And disappears away with barely a trace...
"was that it? was that the jupiter show?
It kinda wasn't quite what I'd hoped for you know... "
And pulling away she stands up slow
And round her the night turns
Round her the night turns...
Yeah that was it
That was the jupiter crash
Drawn too close and gone in a flash
Just a few bruises in the region of the splash...
She left to the sound of the sea
She just drifted away from me
Yeah,So much for gravity...
Tiap orang punya interpretasi yang beda-beda dalam menelaah lirik lagu ini.
Ada yang bilang lagu ini menceritakan tentang seorang cewek dengan kepribadian seperti 'SUMMER' (500 days of summer) yang diperanin ama Zoey Deschanel. Ada juga yang bilang lagu ini berkisah tentang cewe yang takut akan komitmen... well, apa pun maksudnya, yang pasti lagu ini punya tone yang bisa bikin bunuh diri... *Just kiddin..
Bisa dibilang, Robert Smith (vokalis The Cure) adalah salah satu orang yang jago playing words melalui lirik lagu yang dibuatnya. Kalau saat ini Jason Mraz yang lagi populer dikalangan abg sampe emak dan babe gue, jaman dulu banyak juga yang ahli menuangkan metafora dalam menggambarkan what so called 'emotion or feeling'
Contohnya, Morrisey, Blondie, sampe Toto Coelo yang hits dengan lagunya berjudul 'I Eat Cannibals'.. ring a bell??
Ada lirik yang terlalu straight to the point, ada juga yang dibuat dengan analogi-analogi yang terlalu absurd sampe akhirnya kita juga bingung apa kisah sebenernya dibalik lagu semacam itu. Tapi disitu justru letak keseruannya. Dimana tiap fans pada ngotot buat ngebuktiin bahwa merekalah yang paling mendekati persepsi sang pembuat lirik.
Nah, kira-kira apa kisah di balik The Jupiter Crash ini?
Just my opinion:
karena yang nyanyiin robert smith, ambil lah secara normal way-nya kalau si pemeran utamanya itu cowok. Kisahnya dimulai dengan ketemu cewek yang dia suka, and slowly but sure they 'pretend' to be a lover. satu sama lain kebawa suasana.. end up one of them find someone else, which the girl is. si cowok ngga trima and that's all...
"Yeah, So much for gravity..." - one liner that i really like from this song.
it's modern love baby! what do you expected from that kind of relationship? ;p
She follows me down to the sound of the sea
Slips to the sand and stares up at me
"is this how it happens? is this how it feels?
Is this how a star falls?
Is this how a star falls?"
The night turns as I try to explain
Irresistable attraction and orbital plane
"or maybe it's more like a moth to a flame?"
She brushes my face with her smile
"forget about stars for a while... "
As she melts...
Meanwhile millions of miles away in space
The incoming comet brushes jupiter's face
And disappears away with barely a trace...
"was that it? was that the jupiter show?
It kinda wasn't quite what I'd hoped for you know... "
And pulling away she stands up slow
And round her the night turns
Round her the night turns...
Yeah that was it
That was the jupiter crash
Drawn too close and gone in a flash
Just a few bruises in the region of the splash...
She left to the sound of the sea
She just drifted away from me
Yeah,So much for gravity...
Tiap orang punya interpretasi yang beda-beda dalam menelaah lirik lagu ini.
Ada yang bilang lagu ini menceritakan tentang seorang cewek dengan kepribadian seperti 'SUMMER' (500 days of summer) yang diperanin ama Zoey Deschanel. Ada juga yang bilang lagu ini berkisah tentang cewe yang takut akan komitmen... well, apa pun maksudnya, yang pasti lagu ini punya tone yang bisa bikin bunuh diri... *Just kiddin..
Bisa dibilang, Robert Smith (vokalis The Cure) adalah salah satu orang yang jago playing words melalui lirik lagu yang dibuatnya. Kalau saat ini Jason Mraz yang lagi populer dikalangan abg sampe emak dan babe gue, jaman dulu banyak juga yang ahli menuangkan metafora dalam menggambarkan what so called 'emotion or feeling'
Contohnya, Morrisey, Blondie, sampe Toto Coelo yang hits dengan lagunya berjudul 'I Eat Cannibals'.. ring a bell??
Ada lirik yang terlalu straight to the point, ada juga yang dibuat dengan analogi-analogi yang terlalu absurd sampe akhirnya kita juga bingung apa kisah sebenernya dibalik lagu semacam itu. Tapi disitu justru letak keseruannya. Dimana tiap fans pada ngotot buat ngebuktiin bahwa merekalah yang paling mendekati persepsi sang pembuat lirik.
Nah, kira-kira apa kisah di balik The Jupiter Crash ini?
Just my opinion:
karena yang nyanyiin robert smith, ambil lah secara normal way-nya kalau si pemeran utamanya itu cowok. Kisahnya dimulai dengan ketemu cewek yang dia suka, and slowly but sure they 'pretend' to be a lover. satu sama lain kebawa suasana.. end up one of them find someone else, which the girl is. si cowok ngga trima and that's all...
"Yeah, So much for gravity..." - one liner that i really like from this song.
it's modern love baby! what do you expected from that kind of relationship? ;p
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Introducing - The Green Zone Movie
After a long road that i've runnin, and now i'm back to continue my blogging thingy.
Let's start with the last movie i've watch... THE GREEN ZONE
The film is about how Roy Miller (Matt Damon) try to play hero after he never finish his mission to find weapons believed to be stockpiled in the Iraqi desert. Miller must hunt through covert and faulty intelligence hidden on foreign soil for answers that will either clear a rogue regime or escalate a war in an unstable region. At this blistering time and in this combustible place, he will find the most elusive weapon of all is the truth.
Other cast in this movie: starring Amy Ryan as Lawrie Dayne, a foreign correspondent for The Wall Street Journal who investigates the U.S. government's claims of the existence of weapons of mass destruction.
Greg Kinnear as Clark Poundstone, working for Pentagon Special Intelligence. And Martin McDougall as Mr. Sheen who work in CIA Baghdad as assistant bureau chief.
Production of Green Zone was began in Spain on January 10 2008, moved to Morocco, then finished filming in the UK in December.
For me... the score is 2 out of 5. The re-team of Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon was created a 'not-so-great' electrifying thriller. Not favorite of mine, but yeah it quite entertaining i might say.

Let's start with the last movie i've watch... THE GREEN ZONE
The film is about how Roy Miller (Matt Damon) try to play hero after he never finish his mission to find weapons believed to be stockpiled in the Iraqi desert. Miller must hunt through covert and faulty intelligence hidden on foreign soil for answers that will either clear a rogue regime or escalate a war in an unstable region. At this blistering time and in this combustible place, he will find the most elusive weapon of all is the truth.
Other cast in this movie: starring Amy Ryan as Lawrie Dayne, a foreign correspondent for The Wall Street Journal who investigates the U.S. government's claims of the existence of weapons of mass destruction.
Greg Kinnear as Clark Poundstone, working for Pentagon Special Intelligence. And Martin McDougall as Mr. Sheen who work in CIA Baghdad as assistant bureau chief.
Production of Green Zone was began in Spain on January 10 2008, moved to Morocco, then finished filming in the UK in December.
For me... the score is 2 out of 5. The re-team of Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon was created a 'not-so-great' electrifying thriller. Not favorite of mine, but yeah it quite entertaining i might say.

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